Declaration Downloads

Telling about TJD

You just signed The Jena Dec­la­ra­tion (TJD)! Thank you so much! If you would like to com­mu­ni­cate your sup­port with oth­ers, we are pleased to pro­vide badges to help you do so. The badges show sup­port of TJD, raise its vis­i­bil­i­ty and aware­ness, and serve as a con­ver­sa­tion starter with indi­vid­u­als or orga­ni­za­tions that have not yet heard about TJD.

While there are many ways that you can use the badges, here is a short list of our favorites:

○ Share on your favorite social media channels

○ Use as a social media pro­file picture

○ Share on web­sites to show sup­port for TJD of your net­work or orga­ni­za­tion, NGO, busi­ness, uni­ver­si­ty, depart­ment, per­son­al web­site, or blog 

○ Print and post in work­spaces, e.g. above your desk, store­front, office or apart­ment door

Each badge includes a black and white ver­sion (land­scape or por­trait ori­en­ta­tion) in a .zip file (png / svg). Up to you to choose. In addi­tion, there is a large ver­sion with three of the insti­tu­tions that also sup­port­ed the TJD.

Badges for Signatores
Badges for Signatores

Print­able Tri­fold Flyers