About History
Group Photo of Participants of the International UNESCO Chairs Conference Jena

May 2022

Cultures for Sustainable Futures

International UNESCO Chairs Conference
Jena, Mai 11–13, 2022

Per­for­mance by Andy Innes and his group, South Africa at the Kick-Off Conference of the Jena Declaration, Screenshot

September 2021

Kick-off Event

Jena, Streamed live on Sep 9, 2021

March 2021

Adoption of the Jena Declaration

Entry Screen of the Constituting Conference of the Jena Declaration

October 2020

Constituting Conference: Humanities & Social Sciences for Sustainability

Cultural and regional dimensions of global sustainability

The Jena Dec­la­ra­tion con­tin­ues work begun at the Human­i­ties and Social Sci­ences for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty” con­fer­ence, held in Jena, Germany.

The con­fer­ence was orga­nized in part­ner­ship with the Cana­di­an and Ger­man Com­mis­sions for UNESCO, the Inter­na­tion­al Coun­cil for Phi­los­o­phy and the Human Sci­ences, the Social Sci­ences and Human­i­ties Research Coun­cil of Cana­da, the World Acad­e­my of Art & Sci­ence, The Club of Rome, the Acad­e­mia Europaea, and the Inter­na­tion­al Geo­graph­i­cal Union.

Glob­al Sur­vey among inter­na­tion­al­ly lead­ing experts by the UNESCO Chair on Glob­al Under­stand­ing for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty. The results are pub­lished as Thought Leader Paper in Imag­in­ing the future of Knowl­edge Mobi­liza­tion‘ by the Cana­di­an Com­mis­sion for UNESCO and the Social Sci­ences and Human­i­ties Research Coun­cil of Cana­da as Future Knowl­edge Mobi­liza­tion for Deep Soci­etal Trans­for­ma­tions’ by Ben­no Werlen, Joanne Kauff­man & Karsten Gaebler.


International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU)

Based on a UNESCO Proclamation (192 EX/39; 37 C/63)


… aims to con­nect local actions and glob­al chal­lenges.
… focus­es on the glob­al sus­tain­abil­i­ty of local action.
… rec­og­nizes the need for cul­tur­al­ly dif­fer­ent paths to glob­al sustainability.