Sustainable Futures Podcast Episode 3: The Culture of Sustainability

September 06, 2024

Sustainable Futures Podcast Episode 3: The Culture of Sustainability

In the third edi­tion of Earth5R’s Sus­tain­able Futures pod­cast series titled The Cul­ture Of Sus­tain­abil­i­ty’ Founder and Envi­ron­men­tal­ist Saurabh Gup­ta engages in con­ver­sa­tion with Ben­no Werlen, a UNESCO Chair on Glob­al Under­stand­ing for Sustainability..

The dis­cus­sion cen­ters on the impor­tance of inte­grat­ing arts, human­i­ties, and cul­ture into sus­tain­abil­i­ty efforts, high­light­ing how it’s not just about sav­ing the plan­et, but sav­ing our­selves. Ben­no Werlen, UNESCO Chair on Glob­al Under­stand­ing for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty, argues for edu­ca­tion reform to make learn­ing more prac­ti­cal and effec­tive, and empha­sizes the need for bot­tom-up approach­es where cit­i­zens active­ly par­tic­i­pate in sus­tain­able deci­sion-mak­ing. He also offers valu­able advice for young peo­ple on con­nect­ing with oth­ers in the field to dri­ve impact­ful change.


00:00: Intro­duc­tion: Local Action, Glob­al Goals

17:07: Glob­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and Innovation

36:49: The Jena Declaration

55:17: Knowl­edge Mobilisation

1:00:20: Insti­tu­tion­al Challenges

1:06:51: Guid­ance for Future Professionals